
My Poem at Verse Daily

I’m thrilled to have a poem from The Pear Tree featured (today!) at (The link will take you to my poem.)

There are a number of poem-a-day sites on the Internet now, and I subscribe to a bunch of them. Poetry Daily and Verse Daily were the forerunners of this trend, and it’s an honor, in any case, to have a poem of mine plucked out of the many. Please take a look!

If you click on my name, you’ll find several more poems of mine scattered across the web, including “In Praise of Bread” at Amethyst — a publication I somehow lost track of. And, early on a Sunday morning, there’s an appropriateness in sending you to it, so:

It has been a crazy-busy week, and (though the Reid-daughter birthdays are finally over for the month), next week is looking no better for this July Mom. But, yes, I am still reading a poetry book each week, and writing about it. This week you can find my review of Matt Hohner’s At the Edge of a Thousand Years (a prize-winner from Jacar Press) at Escape Into Life (EIL).

What else am I reading? About 3 (or 4?) novels at once, which is normal for me. I’m reading a book of poems (of course, more to be revealed when I get the chance). And I’m reading a craft book, Grant Faulkner’s The Art of Brevity, which leaps from astonishment to astonishment. I’ve underlined practically the whole thing.