My Poem at Verse Daily

I’m thrilled to have a poem from The Pear Tree featured (today!) at (The link will take you to my poem.)

There are a number of poem-a-day sites on the Internet now, and I subscribe to a bunch of them. Poetry Daily and Verse Daily were the forerunners of this trend, and it’s an honor, in any case, to have a poem of mine plucked out of the many. Please take a look!

If you click on my name, you’ll find several more poems of mine scattered across the web, including “In Praise of Bread” at Amethyst — a publication I somehow lost track of. And, early on a Sunday morning, there’s an appropriateness in sending you to it, so:

It has been a crazy-busy week, and (though the Reid-daughter birthdays are finally over for the month), next week is looking no better for this July Mom. But, yes, I am still reading a poetry book each week, and writing about it. This week you can find my review of Matt Hohner’s At the Edge of a Thousand Years (a prize-winner from Jacar Press) at Escape Into Life (EIL).

What else am I reading? About 3 (or 4?) novels at once, which is normal for me. I’m reading a book of poems (of course, more to be revealed when I get the chance). And I’m reading a craft book, Grant Faulkner’s The Art of Brevity, which leaps from astonishment to astonishment. I’ve underlined practically the whole thing.




7 replies
  1. Rita
    Rita says:

    Oh, Bethany. The poem about Matthew is so tender and spare and (appropriately) haunting. So glad you shared the link here, and that there will be a wide audience for this poem. I remember you writing about him years and years ago. Some things we will write about our whole lives, won’t we?

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Just a note to say how much I appreciate all of these comments. You’re right, Rita, this is one of those topics I circle back to. I was amazed to find that I could still write about my brother in a way that feels fresh.

  2. Lori Tobin
    Lori Tobin says:

    Congratulations. You and your writing are true inspirations. I love the poem and as I was reading saw my brother over and over. To me that’s the magic of poetry, the way someone else’s poems that you deep into your own memories.

  3. David Ryan
    David Ryan says:

    Congratulations on having your poem featured at Verse Daily! That’s such an exciting achievement, and it’s inspiring to see your work being recognized. Poetry sites like Verse Daily are a great platform for sharing the beauty of your writing. I’ll definitely check it out and explore more of your poems online. Keep up the amazing work!


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