Join the Sealey Challenge

All morning I thought it was August 1st. Nope, only July 31st, and PLENTY of time remaining for you to line up 31 poetry books to read in August.

Yes, check the library! (Or use the challenge as an excuse to visit your favorite independent bookstore.)

Yes, this is your chance to burn (delightedly) through all those poetry books you’ve picked up on impulse over the months or years and not yet read in entirety.

Yes, chapbooks and audio books count. Yes, too, to downloading books from the library to your phone.

Yes, rereading old favorites counts.

Yes, reading a poetry book all in one go IS a different experience, opposed to reading a poem here and a poem there, or even reading a book straight through but only a few poems at a time. I promise you, the difference is interesting, and will teach you different lessons.

Most years, as I read a poetry book (and review it) each day during April, National Poetry Month, I don’t do the August marathon. This year, I’m tackling it, and I invite you to read along with me.

For more details, check out the challenge at this site:

You can post your results on social media (a picture, a title, a line), or you can keep track all on your own.

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