NaPoWriMo — silly name for a serious undertaking

National Poetry Writing Month is of course not silly at all. From some of what I’ve been reading lately — advice to “Shelter in Poems,” “Take Refuge in Poetry,” and so forth — poetry will save us.

Imagine the old bards, reciting poetry around a campfire.  Then go read the poems at Unbound: Poems of the Pandemic and tell me you don’t agree.

photograph by Loren Webster

As in Aprils past, I visited the blog of local poet and bookstore owner Chris Jarmick, to find out where NaPoWriMo might take me this year. And skipping from link to link, I found Maureen Thorson’s, and an invitation to write a bird poem (plus a link to this wonderful little riff on bird poems at

For further inspiration (re: birds, especially), visit

So, the challenge is on. Day One: tomorrow!

What will you write?

Your Journey Begins

Last week at my church the theme was “pilgrimage,” and my pastor asked me if I would say a few words about my trip last summer to Chartres, France. I was more than happy to, as I’m always looking for ways to share this astounding journey. When I sat down to organize my notes, however, I was quickly overwhelmed. I simply could not get my thoughts into a 2 or 3 minute “talk.” So, in typical Bethany Reid fashion, I decided to wing it. This is a rough transcript of what I shared.  (It was well over the time limit!)

First, Chartres was not the trip I signed up for. I thought I was going to attend a writing workshop. And I did, sort of. Christine Valters Paintner led our workshop; I had worked with her before, in Seattle, and my traveling companion, Francine, had given me a couple of Christine’s books. I had a sense of what this would look like. My best excuse for not following all the links and reading all the emails sent to us prior to our trip was that I was busy. My daughters, my dog, my husband, other writing projects — and my car was broken into! — it all added up to a busy Bethany who just loaded up her notebook and pens, passport and suitcase, and went. Plus,  we were headed to Paris after our short week in Chartres. Paris! I thought Chartres would be a quiet time for scribbling, and only the warm-up for the real attraction.

This past Sunday I was also the scripture reader — my passage was Mark 1: 16-20, where Jesus calls the sons of Zebedee to follow him — and I read these verses first, before my talk. They made a perfect introduction. Could Andrew and Simon have had any idea what they were actually signing up for? I don’t think so.

In short, our time in Chartres was far less about the writing workshop than it was about Chartres Cathedral and its labyrinth. And though Paris was quite wonderful, my experience at Chartres was transformational and the true highlight of the trip.

I shared a quick history of the cathedral — that it is built on the site of previous cathedrals, that Christians have worshipped there since 200 CE, that a well beneath the cathedral is 2000 years old and suggests that it was a druidic site before it was Christian — that the previous cathedral burned in 1194, an event commemorated by a pilgrimage from Paris on June 10 (which was the second day of our stay there) — that it is dedicated to Mary, with something like 178 images of her in stained glass and wood and stone carvings.

We stayed at a seminary (I think you can see the roofline to the right of this photograph), and when I got up each morning, I could see the cathedral from my window. Our 4-day workshop, in addition to the writing, included talks from an art historian, a soul-collage class, a presentation by Dr. Lauren Artress who heads Veriditas (home of the labyrinth movement), a candle-light tour of the crypt, and private walk of the labyrinth. I have walked labyrinths before, in Leavenworth, Washington, at local churches, and in County Connemara, Ireland, but this had special significance. I know it had something to do with the end of my mother’s life, the previous October, and with the cathedral being such a dwelling place of the sacred feminine, but I went from skeptic (I’m not even Catholic!) to a full-blubbering-breakdown into tears the instant my foot stepped onto the labyrinth’s marble pattern.

I wanted to share details about the labyrinth itself, and I rushed in a few things — for instance, that the church fathers kept it covered up for 300 years, as they considered it superstitious rubbish (it is still covered by chairs most of the week) — however, you can visit numerous sites to learn facts about Chartres (I like this one), so I’ll spare you the longer list.

I concluded my talk with some of the insights I took away with me:

  • We always begin in faith, without knowing what we’re really in for. Even when we think we know.
  • You can be a “pilgrim” rather than a “tourist” — and you can transform into a pilgrim instantly — by putting down your camera and your wallet, slowing down, and taking it all into your heart.
  • You can weep, or you can dance. (Which is what another woman was doing as I sobbed my way through.) Both can heal you.
  • Even your children (this was a big one for me) are on this path, though they are not at the same place on the path as you.
  • Getting lost is part of the experience, and very likely an essential part.
  • The path is a spiritual path and all of your questions are spiritual questions.
  • Even without the labyrinth to symbolize it, you are still and always on this path.

I promised to write this out for people who couldn’t be present because of Corona Virus, or other reasons. May you, in difficult times, know that though you must take every step of your journey, you are never alone.

Photo ©Jill K H Geoffrion, Ph.D.,

Photo by Immortal shots from Pexels

Where’d You Go, Bethany?

This coming Saturday, January 18, at 4:30, I’m leading a poetry workshop at The Book Tree in Kirkland, a book store owned and operated by poet Chris Jarmick. I’m also the featured reader a little later in the evening. Open mic runs until 8 p.m., and if you show up, there are many fine restaurants within walking distance. We will decompress together.

Meanwhile, our dog, Pabu, is convalescing from surgery and I’m doing quite a lot of hanging out with him, and reading. A bit from my list:

Rita’s Notebook, a blog I follow and which always has exceptional posts, and often includes amazing links to more poetry and creative writing news. The link will take you to an “In Memoriam” post about the man who published my first book, The Coyotes and My Mom, and to whom I will be forever grateful.

The Last Painting of Sara de Vos, by Dominic Smith. In 2019 I read mystery after mystery after mystery (hoping to understand how it’s done), but over the Christmas break I picked up this book and could not put it down. A forgery of a 17th century Dutch painting lies at the heart of this novel, and the writing is detailed and … well, mind-blowing. The novel’s construction–braiding together 21st century Australia with 1950s Manhattan and the Netherlands in the 1600s–dazzled me.

I have also been rereading Write Away by Elizabeth George. I can’t say enough about this book. George explains how she creates her characters (I’m quite hooked on her Inspector Lynley mysteries, which are chock-full of literary magic) and pretty much every nuance of her process. She also shares snippets from her own journal. Here’s one that especially resonates with me:

“This is the moment when faith is called for. Faith is the creative spirit within me, which is part of what I’ve been given by God; faith in the process; faith in my intelligence and imagination. If I’ve managed to imagine these characters and this situation into being, doesn’t it follow that I should also be able to imagine my way through to the end of the book? It seems so. Thus…I suit up and show up. I sit down at the computer and I do the work, moving it forward a sentence at a time, which is ultimately the only way there is to write a book.” — Elizabeth George (Journal of a Novel, July 6, 1998), Write Away

It would be lovely to see you on Saturday at The Book Tree.

Where You’ll Find Me

I have several upcoming gigs to tell you about.

The first is TONIGHT at Zippy’s — where I’ll be reading with a few other contributors to the Northwest poets anthology Footbridge Above the Falls: Poems by Forty-Eight Northwest Poets, edited by David D. Horowitz. Click on the Rose Alley Press website to see their other offerings in the coming months.

Everett Poetry Night
Thursday, November 7, 2019, 6:30 p.m.

Poetry: Robinson Bolkum, Kevin Craft, Christopher J. Jarmick, Jed Myers, Bethany Reid, David D. Horowitz, and open mic
Cafe Zippy, 1502 Rucker Avenue, Everett, WA
Telephone: 425-303-0474
E-mail:; David,

then —

Event Date: Friday, November 22, 2019 – 7:00pm
Event Location: Raymond Carver Room | Port Angeles Public Library, 2210 S. Peabody St.
Again, just click on the link to see full information.
…and then —

So,Dear Writer…: An It’s About Time Writers’ Reading Series Anthology — Elliott Bay Books, Seattle

Sunday, November 24, 3 p.m.

I’ll be one of several readers, including Peggy Sturdivant, and the anthology publisher.

I’ll be reading my “famous” craft essay, “One Bad Poem,” and of course I would love to see you there.