Writing the Circle: Prompt #1

If you don’t subscribe to my blog, you will want to go back and read my introduction to this short series of writing prompts for getting your writing rolling in the new year. You’ll find it HERE. And now–

Welcome to your first of 3 days of journaling prompts for WRITING THE CIRCLE.

Although I’m drawing these blogposts from my own work with Laura Day’s The Circle, you can  write your way through this series with me independent of the book. (I don’t want to say that you don’t need the book, as I love the book.) You’ve probably noticed that my slant on Day’s work is toward writing the circle. 

To do these exercises, you will need:

1) a timer (there’s a handy one on your phone, or you can use the timer on your stove in the kitchen, or you can go to https://e.ggtimer.com/)

2) a new notebook in which to write–if you already have an established journal and want to use it, that’s fine, too (no prizes here for following Bethany’s directions to perfection) 

3) a pen that you love writing with

Your First Writing Prompt:

In the Preface to the 2009 edition of The Circle, Laura Day describes her book’s original debut at her local bookstore in Manhattan, New York, on September 10, 2001.

That’s right, the eve of 9/11.

She scarcely mentions the canceled book tour, focusing instead on the circle of support that came together for the book, and for her and her young son–and even their cat (as their neighborhood was evacuated). Terrible things do happen, Day reminds us. Tragedies on every scale. But with this preface, she invites us to see our tragedies differently. Yes, it was awful. But were there any gifts that came along for the ride? Have you noticed those?

“You will learn to take everything in your life—yes, even your losses,
your wounds, your hunger, your anger, and your grief—and use it
as creative energy to shape the world you want.” –Laura Day

Set your timer for 10 minutes (so easy!) and write in your Circle journal about a time when something went horribly wrong. (If 10 minutes sounds like too much, don’t let it be an obstacle–go for 5!)

NEXT, reset the timer (Again, I recommend 10 minutes, but if that’s an obstacle, 5 is better than none), and write about how you survived. Who or what helped you? Where did you find comfort? At what moment did you see that you would get through this event? What gave you strength to keep going?

A note: If you feel that you didn’t survive, that you’re still struggling, then write that. Give yourself permission to pour it all out on the page. Trust that you will begin to see it (whatever it is) more clearly, when it’s in writing.

It turns out that seeing is what this is all about. Seeing Differently is a topic I sometimes blog about, too, and you can go here for a sample.

My overall plan?

I’ll have two more prompts for you in blogposts next week; subscribers will get the whole series. Can I turn this into an on-line class? We’ll see.

Sure, I’m in!

In 2018 I did not stick to my resolve to blog weekly, but I’m still looking for some ways to “reboot” the blog (and other writing stuff) this coming year. So this blogging challenge for 2x monthly sounds like the ticket.  Thanks to poet Kelli Russell Agodon over at the Book of Kells for the invitation. Twice a month? Easy-peasy. Thanks also to Dave Bonta at Via Negativa for getting the whole thing rolling.

Yeah. I’m in.

I have some other ideas, too (which I’ll be posting about very very soon). One will be my re-launch of the Writing the Circle series (if you’re a subscriber, look for that New Year’s Day-ish). I’m also planning (for reals this time) to teach an on-ground poetry class.

How did 2018 shape up? Well, you’ve been here with me. I have a new poetry book, Body My Housewhich amazes me (I must admit) on multiple levels (particularly that it didn’t exist at all in 2017, and by June, it was published!).

My BIG writing goal for the second half of 2018 has been kind of on the down low (if that means what I think it means): to finish a complete draft of my mystery novel and, ta da (drum roll please), I have almost done it. (How rough can a rough draft be?) In any case, I have enough to begin revising on schedule. Considering everything else that popped up in my life this year, I’m pretty happy.

If you’re a blogger and would like to join the challenge, pop over to Kelli’s blog and sign up!

Help Is Available

I just turned in my grades for fall quarter 2018! Whew — that’s over! (Woo hoo!)

I don’t know what I was thinking when I signed up to teach two courses this fall. Oh, yes, I do know. I was feeling a very evil pinch of “empty-nestitis” (just made up that word), and I was also feeling that my darling mother was going to outlive me. So if my baby (19 years old) didn’t need me, and Mom didn’t need me to be constantly hovering, then I may as well go back to work. That’s what I was thinking.

When I first contacted the college, in August, I was thinking that I’d just teach 2 classes per quarter for a few years — get my health insurance paid again — earn a little income — etc. Then, as you know, the universe had a big ol’ laugh at me.

My mother died.

And even though I adored the majority of my students and drew a lot of energy from them, even though I’m grateful to them for being a much-needed distraction from everything else, I discovered that I really, really do not have time to trek up to north Everett every day to teach freshman composition.

To borrow a bit from Emily Dickinson’s lexicon, “My business is to write.”

As I graded this last set of papers — an assignment intended as a light-hearted research paper requiring students to 1) talk to a reference librarian, 2) interview a parent or other person from a previous generation, 3) quote and use in-text citations, and 4) create a Works Cited page a la MLA guidelines — I was amazed at how many students had decided to do the bare minimum.

I get that they perhaps hadn’t written this sort of paper before, or recently, but — hey — I was right here! I kept telling them how many hours I was at my desk every afternoon. I arranged to have specific hours available to meet with them. I gave them models to look at. I went over the models in great (excruciating) detail.

Why would a student decide to fake a bibliography or omit it altogether, or do 2 sources (when they were to have 5), or not use a single quotation in a paper that was all about learning how to use sources and quote from them? Why would they give up…


In truth? I think it is really, really human of us to go it alone, to get too busy or to believe we’re too busy to ask for help, to throw in the towel, to tell ourselves it’s impossible……to forge our way forward step by painful, bleeding step……when all the time there’s a bus pulled up at the corner, just waiting to offer a ride.

I do it, too.

This isn’t a post for pitching my services, just a reminder — help is available! Look around! Ask! (It’s a reminder for me, too, of course.)

And, should you want help from me, you know how to get it.

Meanwhile,  I hope you write.


[photos from pixabay.com]

The Poetry Grid in Seattle

Last year my editor at Goldfish, Koon Woon, sent me this link–to a 2017 PBS news story about poetry in Seattle. I recently ran across it while cleaning up my in-box, and I wanted to share it.

“Navigating Seattle’s Ever-Evolving Streets Through Poetry”