“Maybe the most sacred function of memory is just that: to render the distinctions between past, present, and future ultimately meaningless; to enable us at some level of our being to inhabit that same eternity which it is said God himself inhabits.” -Frederick Buechner
I’ve shared this quote before, and as it happens to be written on the first page of my current journal, I keep rereading it of late, and thinking about it. Thinking about it a bit obsessively.
I’m not sure but I believe Buechner is writing about the privilege of being a writer. Finally, I’m not sure I agree with him. When we read a book, we can dogear a page and go back to it, and when we turn back, when we let our eyes fall again on that page, we’re there. And, yes, it’s seductive, that act of writing the page ourselves. But it’s not the same as dwelling in eternity…is it?
I think this is a poem asking to be written.