Bird’s Thumb

Towhee_0049The new issue of Bird’s Thumb is now available — and includes my poem, “Spotted Towhee.”

This is especially timely as my poem is about my brother, and today is my brother’s last day at work — he is retiring and moving back back home, to a house on the farm where we grew up. Happy retirement, Eric!

Scroll down to see the announcement of the Elegy reading tomorrow at Edmonds Bookshop.


Reading this coming Saturday!

edmonds bookshop***********************************************************
The Edmonds Book Shop
Invites you to an Afternoon of Poetry
Saturday, February 6 at Noon

Poets and Poetry on Elegy:
Remembering, Healing, Celebrating, Honoring

featuring local poets
John Wright, Holly Hughes, Bethany Reid, and Priscilla Long.

Edmonds Book Shop
111 5th Ave South
Edmonds, WA  98020
For directions and a map, please check the website:

Building a Boat

51DOV1q0DHL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_My dear friend Paul Marshall is giving a reading at the Freeland branch of Sno-Isle Libraries. I’m going!

Event Type: Books and Authors

Age Group(s): Adults
Date: 2/1/2016
Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Time: 3:00 PM

How was he to have known a simple question asked by an inquisitive young grandson would rekindle a long postponed dream and start a cascade of ruminations on war, marriage, working class conflicts and boat building? Join author Paul Marshall for a discussion of his book “Building a Boat: Lessons of a 30-Year Project.”

Freeland Library
Location: Freeland Meeting Room

Please see my “Upcoming Events” Tab for other goings-on.

Meet the Author: Paul Marshall

Event Type: Books and Authors
Age Group(s): Adults
Date: 2/1/2016
Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Time: 3:00 PM

 How was he to have known a simple question asked by an inquisitive young grandson would rekindle a long postponed dream and start a cascade of ruminations on war, marriage, working class conflicts and boat building? Join author Paul Marshall for a discussion of his book “Building a Boat: Lessons of a 30-Year Project.”

Library: Freeland Library
Location: Freeland Meeting Room


CAM00262My friend Margaret Riordan and I are planning to teach another class on writing, the heart, and connection. Margaret has a lot of information about the chakra system that she is eager to share, and I’m itching to get you writing.

We have a lovely flyer that I can forward to you if you email me. The class will be in Olympia. Even if you can’t make it, I hope you’ll forward this announcement to anyone you know who may be interested.

Dates: Six weeks, meeting three Saturday afternoons, 2-5:00, February 13, 27, and March 12.

Location: Physical Therapy and Pilates in downtown Olympia. (

Cost: $55.00 per session. $150.00 when paid prior to the first class.

Contact: Bethany at or Margaret at (425) 373-6118.