Entries by Bethany

John Egbert, BEARINGS

BEARINGS, John Egbert. Bellingham, WA, 2024, 102 pages, $15.99, paper. LANDMARKS, Robert Macfarlane. Penguin, UK, 2016, 448 pages, $18.00, paper, penguin.co.uk. Landmarks is about language, specifically it is about language that describes land. “It is a field guide to literature I love,” Macfarlane writes, “and it is a word-hoard of the astonishing lexis of landscape […]

Molly Tenenbaum, THE ARBORISTS

THE ARBORISTS, Molly Tenenbaum. MoonPath Press, P.O. Box 445, Tillamook, OR 27142, 2023, 98 pages, $16.99, paper, http://MoonPathPress.com. Eleven days down on the Sealey Challenge, twenty days to go. My brain is bursting, and though I’m making notes for future blogposts, there’s a tendency for everything to begin blurring together. Then (honestly, almost every day), […]

Michele Bombardier, WHAT WE DO

WHAT WE DO: POEMS, Michele Bombardier. Kelsay Books, Aldrich Press, 2018, 86 pages, $17 paper, www.kelsaybooks.com. Hospitals on fire, wasps nests, witchhazel scratching at windows, wine that tastes like relief, poems like prayer—it’s hard not to swoon over this book. I agree with Dorianne Laux, who (in her cover blurb) writes: “At its center, What […]

Join the Sealey Challenge

All morning I thought it was August 1st. Nope, only July 31st, and PLENTY of time remaining for you to line up 31 poetry books to read in August. Yes, check the library! (Or use the challenge as an excuse to visit your favorite independent bookstore.) Yes, this is your chance to burn (delightedly) through […]