Entries by Bethany

home again, home again, jiggity jig

I need to upload my pix from Idaho to the computer…but I am home again, sitting in my writing space, scribbling away. We left my sister’s place above Lewiston, Idaho, at 7:15 yesterday morning, dropped my mom off at her place in Chehalis at 8 p.m., and didn’t arrive home until 10 p.m. It was […]


Although my niece, Shelby, wasn’t part of our family until she was eight, and my older girls were seven, I have been thinking — obsessively — about when they were all younger, and I thought I would share this poem. It was part of a collection (now abandoned) that I called Unbridled. I was experimenting […]

The purpose of art…

“The purpose of art is to impart the sensation of things as they are perceived and not as they are known. Art exists that one may recover the sensation of life; it exists to make one feel things, to make the stone stony.” -Victor Shklovsky

Cleaning House

Yesterday, feeling unable to write, I enlisted the girls in a major decluttering attack on our playroom. The result was that I carried several boxes of detritus out to my writing cabin, and made a huge mess. That’s okay. Today I’ll work on that. Here’s a quote I found in Barbara Abercrombie’s A Year of […]