Entries by Bethany


It’s Wednesday afternoon. I am  still working on the papers I was supposed to return to my students on Monday, and now I have two new sets of papers to grade. I get this choked up, weepy feeling. I want to go to my boss’s corner office and say, “I’m done. I quit.” I can’t remember why […]

Blog Envy

I read today’s post at The Pen and the Bell, and wished it were mine (great message, amazing picture). The next best thing I can do is share it with you: http://www.penandbell.com/thank-you/ I’m thankful for writing friends like Holly Hughes and Brenda Miller. I’m thankful for readers, too.    

The Writer’s Almanac, Nov. 19, 2012

Garrison Keillor’s poem today is Louise Erdrich’s “Advice to Myself.” Given that I have wasted much of the day being angry at my husband for asking me to rinse out a cereal bowl, it’s good advice to me, too. Plus we get the added benefit of listening to Garrison read a poem. An experience of […]


Okay, I’m thinking of what it is that my sister’s GPS says to her (in its sexy English accent) when we make a wrong turn (which we do fairly frequently as we when we are together as we are talking too much to pay attention to the GPS). Is it “repositioning”? Re…? That’s what I’ve […]