It’s here!
Yesterday a big box of books arrived at my house.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Bethany contributed a whooping 975 entries.
Yesterday a big box of books arrived at my house.
I am getting ready for my Winter quarter classes, beginning on Monday, and wanted to say that I took a few minutes for poetry. So here’s something from another winter. I borrowed the image from The Trumpeter Swan Society website, and it makes me happy simply to know that they exist. TRUMPETER SWANS cattle in the […]
I have spent the last few days immersed in family. Busy weekend with kids and church. Then I spent a night in Chehalis with Mom and we went to see her retina and macula specialist in Olympia. I brought her home to spend New Year’s Eve with us. I stayed up until midnight so I could have a […]
Lazy days. School doesn’t begin for another week and we’re in serious vacation mode here. Seeing friends, eating the cookies left over from Christmas. Playing Life. Finally making the Gingerbread House that no one could find time for earler. The new copy of Barrow Street arrived in my mail just the other day. It includes […]