Entries by Bethany

Another Soccer Mom Poem…

And so school begins. Emma is in high school now,  my only kid playing soccer this fall. We’re getting Annie outfitted to leave for WWU on Sept. 19th. I am writing every morning. Meanwhile, I have 302 postcard addresses, only 31 of which I have sent postcards to. So even though August was postcard poetry […]

Twenty-eight years and counting…

Twenty-eight years ago, on a Sunday afternoon in a park not far from here, we promised to love, honor, and … I think we left out that “obey” bit. Here’s a poem from Linda Pastan to mark the date. I Married You by Linda Pastan I married you for all the wrong reasons, charmed by your […]


I am floundering. For the last few days I have been writing — in longhand — five new pages each day.  I have had a lot going on this week, including an overnight visit to see Mom, in Chehalis. But I did my five pages, no matter what. Today was day four. I managed, but […]