Entries by Bethany

Colleen J. McElroy (1935-2023)

WHAT MADNESS BROUGHT ME HERE: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS, 1968-1988, Colleen J. McElroy. Wesleyan University Press, Hanover and London, 1990, 107 pages. Out of Print. I had this mad idea that I would—instead of doing my usual blogfest of poetry book reviews in April (National Poetry Month)—review a book each week this year. The problem being that […]

Happy Solstice

Greetings & Gratitude would be a good subtitle for this post. It’s been one of those years — I’m thinking of the news headlines, but also the loss of people dear to me. The last of my mother’s brothers died this summer, and a shocking number of my older cousins slipped away throughout 2023. In […]


YOU CAN CALL IT BEAUTIFUL, Debra Elisa. MoonPath Press, PO Box 445, Tillamook, OR 97141, 2023, 107 pages, $17.99 paper, http://MoonPathPress.com. I’m enthralled by this book of poems by Oregon poet Debra Elisa. My first impression was that her poems made a good contrast to mine, choreographed differently, her language distinct and pocked with color. But as […]

Raven Chronicles Review

When I was given a copy of Tele Aadsen’s What Water Holds (Empty Bowl Press, 2023), I knew I wanted to review it. I’m so so grateful to Phoebe Bosché at Raven Chronicles for making room in their on-line forum for it. To read the review, click on this link: https://www.ravenchronicles.org/book-reviews/bethany-reid-what-water-holds. You can learn more about the author […]