Entries by Bethany


This morning I picked up Jane Kenyon’s Collected Poems and read for a long time before settling on this one: NOT WRITING A wasp rises to its papery nest under the eaves where it daubs at the gray shape, but seems unable to enter its own house. The title makes this poem what it is. (Imagine it as “Not […]

Poetry Postcards

One of the strategies I use during the August Poetry Postcard Fest is to write out favorite poems of about that length by other poets. Despite having read and loved short forms — such as Haiku and Tanka — for many years, I still find it amazing that someone can pack so much into only […]

Your Journal Assignment for Tomorrow Morning

“Mightn’t it be a good thing if everyone had to draw a map of his own mind — say, once every five years? With the chief towns marked, and the arterial roads he was constructing from one idea to another, and all the lovely and abandoned by-lanes that he never went down, because the farms […]

What’s Up?

July has been a whirlwind of birthdays, weddings, and family get-togethers. I have not been very faithful about blog posts. I have been writing every morning, in my journal, and I’ve been going through my entire novel a little bit at a time, thinking-thinking-thinking about its structure and what the characters need most and what […]